Now it’s perfect, my phytotherapy diploma.
On 04.09.2024, after 2 years of training at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, I passed the examination to become a certified phytotherapist.
For me, this is the crowning achievement of my endeavors. I have always been interested in medicinal plants and their use in herbal therapies, simply because I consider them to be gentler, better, more environmentally friendly and more sustainable.
With this training, I am in a position to use plants and their ingredients more scientifically than is usually done commercially. Because here too, less is more. The 30 herbal mixture for the gastrointestinal tract is a nice supplementary feed for healthy animals, but it won’t cure anything. Phytotherapy also belongs in the hands of vets, not on the shelves of equestrian stores.
And in organic farming, plant-based therapeutics will play an increasingly important role. In order to reduce the use of chemical pharmaceuticals. And thus reduce the chemical burden on food and the environment. For healthy animals and healthy food.
Foto nach Phytotherapie Diplom an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien mit den Prüfern
Picture after Diploma with auditors from University
I am delighted to be able to incorporate my Ottenstein herbal farm into my practice concept. So I can treat non-food-producing animals naturally alongside plant based therapeutics that are commertially available.
In addition to the herbs that I already buy in organic quality – where possible – I now produce hydrolates and soaps for non-food-producing animals to care for my patients.
I try to produce my own plant care and feed supplements in an environmentally friendly way, without long supply chains, without plastic packaging and using my own organic products.
Of course, this is not without obstacles, how could it be otherwise?
Wonderful German bureaucracy.
But anyway, I’m happy that I can treat your animals competently and purely herbal if that’s what you want. And I hope that you will be interested in my new offer.
In addition to the manual and physical therapies that I already offer in my practice.
Courses in the herb garden are planned for next summer. Everything you need to know about medicinal plants. And a few production and preservation methods, let us surprise you. It’s sure to be fragrant.